

Kaczmarska.pl  |  SHOWS >  HUBBUB

In the canvasses dedicated to the beach, I focused my search on the expressive contrasts of colours. In the field landscapes, my eye explored the subject in a close-up, to fully perceive its texture. In city spaces, I concentrated on interpreting constant movement, which reinforces the feeling of visual aggression. My interpretation of the silence zone completes the collection. The silence exists through a contrast with hubbub, as the lack of hubbub. Something that has been seen but still, continuously and without any specific reason, is haunting us. I used pulsating light spot in a neutral space built from the surface of white canvasses.

However, the silence was absent from the show's opening. The event was an audiovisual reflection of the exhibition's title.

fot. sztukpuk

fot. sztukpuk

fot. Galeria Pod Rejentem

fot. Galeria Pod Rejentem

fot. Galeria Pod Rejentem

fot. Galeria Pod Rejentem

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK
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