
Installation with a painting: LEAVING

Kaczmarska.pl  |  SHOWS >  Installation with a painting: LEAVING

Couples, a man and a woman, have been depicted in art of many civilisations. In the past, the image served mostly to document the social status of the people portrayed, or to illustrate a moral principle, disguised in the biblical or mythical costume. Today, first and foremost, it tells the tale of personal, human relationships, and this is also the case of the installation and painting by Małgorzata Kaczmarska. This is an intimate situation between a woman and a man, full of tension and overt sadness. The man is like a tailor's dummy and the woman, whose silhouette is accentuated by a powerful, intense spot of red, is just now making her decision. The woman, who is leaving, will leave, or perhaps has already left...?

Agnieszka Jankowska-Marzec (from the exhibition catalog)

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

fot. R. Murzyn

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fot. MK

fot. MK

fot. MK

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fot. MK
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